Facebook Ads for fashions brands
Facebook Ads Campaigns have changed the way fashion brands expose themselves to the general public. They are a way of offering daily content to create a close relationship, through it you can be in direct contact with a community of potential customers. In this sense, a perfect care of our profiles, together with the advertising promotion of this content will allow us to reach more customers and make the brand gain weight within the digital ideology.
Promotions or Facebook Ads Campaigns have become one of the most effective commercial strategies, due to several fundamental reasons. On the one hand, being one of the most popular means of communication, the incidence of advertising is much more effective. In other ways, the amount of data that social networks offer about the user allows advertising campaigns to be directed only to potential customers who may be interested in our content. This translates, in turn, into a higher number of sales.
“The key to successful marketing: Focus, Positioning and Differentiation”
“The key to successful marketing: Focus, Positioning and Differentation”

Facebook Ads Campaigns to grow up your ecommerce
One of the main myths when we talk about Facebook Ads Campaigns is that these types of promotions only pursue sales. Nothing further from reality. Advertising on social media can be done according to different needs that arise from customers. In this sense, if you want to boost the traffic of your ecommerce, gain the number of followers or newsletters subscribers, promotions on social networks can help you do so.
The advantages of Facebook ads campaigns for fashion ecommerce
One of the main advantages os Facebook Ads Campaigns is the amount of data we have on each user who visits us daily. This helps us to shape a more effective strategy that offers the user what really interests him everytime. In this way, the client conceives us as a friendly brand that informs with interest content.
With this data we can set ads based on the audience we want to target. This, in addition to generating a greater number of conversions, makes the brand’s publications much more present in profiles with common interests to those of our customers. In this effective way we reach potential customers who do not know us at first. But they are potentially likely to follow us, due they have similar interests to the product or services offered. This guarantees that this type of ads campaign is much more effective than other types of advertising, and best of all, that more results are obtained at a lower cost.

Measure and improve with well-defined strategy
If there is a digital marketing advantage, it is the measurement of results. No type of marketing strategy is done blindly. It is done knowing constantly what is most. It is done by constantly knowing what is most effective or least effective thanks to subsequent reports. From our Agency Mood Marketing Moda , we analyze this data obtained month by month to outline a social media ads strategy that gives better results in each campaign.
Relying on a specialized fashion marketing agency that knows how to optimize each campaign to achieve a greater number of impressions and sales will help you triple your profits and reach a wider community. In addition, the resulting campaign analytics can give you an idea of actions that can be applied to other business strategies. For example, where in the world your products are most popular or what type of products are most successful among your community of followers.

Fashion Facebook and Instagram Ads
Each brand has its own needs and its own personality. For this reason, after a personal study of each one of them and analyzing them later by our team, the strategy will be created. In addition, the different social media also have their own target audience, so depending on what offers us one or another, we can establish a commercial promotion strategy.
You have to know well the advantages that each social media offers, so that all the money you invest produces a good result. This is one of the ideas that the Mood Marketing Moda team defends the mostMood Marketing. Also, something essential to make any type of investment is to know its return, so at all times the client will be able to know how much has been returned for each euro invested.